About CSE :: Computer Science engineering is the study of theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their application in computer systems. In addition, in this you will also learn about several other areas like networking, database, visualisation and web. As a computer engineer you have options to work in IT companies in departments such as design, development, assembly, manufacture and maintenance, etc. Working as programmer, web developer, and E- commerce specialist with telecommunications companies, automotive companies, aerospace companies, etc. can be a lucrative career option as well.
About IT :: Information Technology programme covers a wide range of interlocking technologies including, computer controlled technology, computer networks, web based applications, designing computer systems, embedded systems & information transmission and reception to prepare you for a stimulating, challenging and rewarding career in designing and operation of such devices. Information science programs teach you
about the collection, organization, and use of information. You can learn about computer data storage, processing, systems planning and design. You can also learn to develop databases that meet user needs.
The View :: You can go for any branch of engineering, whether you are a boy or a girl, no matter. There is nothing like a particular stream is good or bad for girls. So, you should choose a stream which interests you the most rather than go for a stream which is best for girls.
Both are very good options and gives you good opportunities as per your career need.
{Source :: htcampus}
Key differences between Computer Science and Information Technology Engineering
- Information technology basically concentrates on different aspects of communications and database. The Computer Science engineering basically deals with programming languages and computerization to reduce human interface.
- Information technology acts a specialized field under Computer Science. Information technology is much involved in practical application of software when compared to computer science engineering. Information technology is the application of technology in business where as computer science deals with the design of computers.
Though both these courses are different, these professional courses are highly demanded both in India as well as abroad. The Companies operating in IT sector offers better remuneration packages to computer professionals. They can work both in private corporate houses as well as in government sector companies.
{Source :: entranceexam.net}
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